Gabe Renfrow is a man with a heart for helping people and he has chosen a profession that allows him to do that every day. Comforting individuals and encouraging a patient through the scary unknowns of cardiac catheterization is a wonderful way to walk out his gifting in serving others. He’s compassionate, empathetic, sympathetic and very sensitive to others as he guides them through a difficult and fearful time in their lives.
Gabe said at a Candidate Forum that he is excited to begin to build his resume as he makes his first big step out of the comfort of the job he’s had since he got out of school and takes a swing at leadership. He feels confident that his experience as a cardiovascular nurse has prepared him for the rigor and pressure of being a Representative at the Capitol in Oklahoma City.
In Gabes Own Words – Do you have a paid consultant? Do you have someone who is helping you with your strategy and helping you run your campaign and gain financial support?
Gabe Renfrow, your turn.
Yes. Yes, I do. It’s called CAMP. So Campaign Management Production
Can you give me the name of the person that runs it or assign you?
Ryan Bayless.
( ) Fount Holland owns this company.
Gabe Renfrow is a Proud Patriot now that he has changed his party affiliation from being a registered Democrat back in 2016. He is now a conservative Republican and aligns with the common Republican values of being pro-life and pro-Second Amendment. Also, as a conservative republican, he shares the common belief that our shared traditional values must be fought for and protected and he, like many other republicans will join the work to defeat the radical left, stop the dismantling of our nation’s founding principles and defend the U.S. Constitution.
Gabe Renfrow is married to Gini, who is also working in the medical community. She is a nurse practitioner and works at Oklahoma Heart Institute Utica Office and she also has a degree in communications/public relations. The couple lives in Sand Springs and has two children, Sadie, 6, and Monroe, 3. He and Gini are up to the challenge of raising their children in the midst of a very busy schedule with mom working long shifts and dad being out of the house for four months out of each year. Gabe is a graduate of Northeastern State University and Bacone College where he got his nursing training. In his spare time, Gabe enjoys hunting and fishing and he is a member of the NRA.
Word from Gini Renfrow, Gabes wife –
Gabes wife, Gini, also feels very confident in Gabes ability to be a state leader. She believes that his personality and attributes are a perfect fit for the rigors and pressures he will encounter as a legislator in Oklahoma City at the Capitol.
To list each of these 10 characteristics out…
She says that Gabe has been her best friend for almost 2 decades.
What she loves most about Gabe is that he always tries to do the right thing despite what others might think.
She confirms that Gabe is honest and diligent and that he’s a Christian.
She says that he is loyal and still maintains close relationships with many friends from high school and college. He has been best friends with Chris Kannady since he was a young kid and they were both in each other’s wedding.
She also affirms that Gabe is encouraging. She wrote a letter and told us a story about her being six feet tall and how she’s always been a little self conscious about her height. Gabe bought her first pair of high heels and told her to stand tall. She still wears high heels and she still has that first pair of high heels.
She goes on to say that she’s never met anyone that didn’t like Gabe and how easy it is for him to make friends in a sea of strangers. She says that he knows someone everywhere they go and she’s not kidding. They have run into friends in airports and other venues all across the country.
She says Gabe is intelligent and that he’s worked as a cardiac cath lab nurse for 15 years now. He is the reason she went to nursing school.
She says that Gabe is handy to have around in a crisis because he used to be an EMT.
She tells us that he knows the Heimlich Maneuver.
She has seen Gabe make the right decision time and time again and that she says he would do anything for their children and for your children too to keep them safe. She is confident that you will like Gabe.
Each of these 10 characteristics give Gini great confidence that Gabe Renfrow is the best person for the job to be your Representative in Oklahoma City.